Friday, July 8, 2011

"Tech"nically Creative

Hey everyone~

I was told that if you want to write a blog... and you want people to listen... you should write every single day.

Well, the basis of this blog is creativity and I am not currently working on any projects.  Therefore, my creativity must come from a more creative outlet (hmm, I wonder how many times I use some spin of the word creative throughout my blog).  My point being is that today I was very much creative but in a more unconventional way.

My story begins last weekend.  I was in a state of total relaxation.  My aunt and I were talking about life as we floated along in the lake.  I told my aunt I was hoping to start a personal blog.  My aunt is a writer and was fully supportive of this.  Actually my aunt is a writer/therapist/mother.  Actually, she's a lot of things.  The conversation went something like "ah ha!  Blog, Blog, Blog?" "Yep, Blog, Blog!"  You get the idea.  During our 5 minute conversation we discovered that I felt like I had nothing to say but I'm very blog savvy whereas she is just the opposite.

Long story short or should I say long story long?.. we decided that I would be the perfect person to help her beef up her blog.  Today, that is just what we did.  I showed my aunt the ins and outs of Blogger and all the wonderful shortcuts that make Blogger so user-friendly.  Her blog went from looking boring to Blog-tacular.  In other words it looks awesome and I helped the blog to achieve this awesomeness.  Sometimes that's what being creative is all about, creatively helping others discover.

Stay Creatively Chaotic

Aunt Annette's blog

1 comment:

  1. Ack! I posted a comment earlier but it is not showing up! Technology is my nemesis!
    Long comment short, love your blog and THANK YOU in caps for all your help today!
